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Singapore chooses killing over sterilisation


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Thank you for your patience, and interest, and see you there,
29 June 2006

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Animal rights group hunts for tiger in Sixth Avenue (CNA, 20041111)

Going from house to house, braving excitable dogs and non-responsive owners, the volunteers from the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) want to create awareness among Sixth Avenue residents about the possibility of a tiger being kept in captivity in the area. The reward for giving information about the tiger? $3,000. As for the tiger search, the AVA says it will only come in to take action once there is specific information on the location of such a tiger.

Related: - Slow loris quick bust (TNP, 20041107)

Think the big cats are cool pets to have? Visit Big Cat Rescue and Captive Animals' Protection Society, and then see if you still stand by your view on keeping the big cats captive.

- Go to Go to: Casefile: Cruel Singapore. Hack-care Singapore.